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Hexa Rex DipyramidThe Hexa Rex transformed into a hexagonal dipyramid.
Hexa StarA two-layered prism with three cuts, in shape of a hexagonal star.
Hexa World 2x2x2A sticker scheme for the 2x2x2 which resembles Rubiks Earth but projected down to a hexahedral surface.

Hexa-goneA Cheese combined with two hexagonal Curvy Chops.
HexaGemA shape variant of the hexagonal domino, designed to look like a gem.
HexaPieA puzzle with two circles and a plunger which can exchange pieces between the circles. The circles are split in segments of twelve.

HexaUfoAn UFO hidden inside a hexahedral shape. Another transformation in the line of the creators GhostDodec's.
HexaballA shape variant of the 3x3x3 somewhere between a sphere and a dodecahedron.
HexaballminxThe a megaminx transformed into the same shape of a hexaball.

HexabarrelA Hexaminx redesigned to have a cylindrical shape.
Hexadecagon 12-axesA face turning truncated triakis tetrahedron, a jumbling only puzzle. This bandaged variant allows only 12 axes to be turned.
Hexadecagon 16 coloursA Hexadecagon restickered with 16 (instead of 6) colours.

Hexadecagon 16-axesA face turning truncated triakis tetrahedron, a jumbling only puzzle.
HexadecamateThe Offset Skewb 2x2x2 in shape of a truncated triakis tetrahedron.
Hexaflop PlusA prism designed to be face turning asymetrical dodecagonal.

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